Hi, everyone! I've been wanting to write in this on-line journal for days and days, but Internet access has been problematic during the frenetic pace of our tour these past two weeks.

It's hard to put in words what an incredible experience these past three weeks have been, the first in Britain, and the last two in Israel. We've viewed ancient Roman ruins from the 1st Century in Wales, and climbed a mountain there to explore a ruined castle. We've visited Arab markets in Tel Aviv. We've stayed in a Kibbutz in northern Israel, and drove by jeep up into the Golan Heights, past land mines set during the 1967 war, where grass fields are still too dangerous to walk through. We've climbed Masada, the towering mountain fortress that was the site of a famous Jewish revolt against the Romans in 73 AD. We've floated in the Dead Sea, where 37% salt makes swimming an unreal experience. We've visited the ancient port cities of Jaffa (photo above), and the ruins of what was once a magnificent port in Caesaeria, built by King Herod. We have wandered through the beautiful art studios of Sefat, and have driven into the occupied territories of the West Bank. We've explored Ammonite caves at an active archaeological site, where I uncovered,
for the first time since human hands touched it 2,200 years ago, an ancient oil lamp made of clay. But the crowning jewel of our trip, the place the filled our hearts and memories, was our five day stay in Jerusalem. To touch, actually touch the Western Wall, where countless Jews have prayed over the centuries.. to walk along ancient streets, passing the place where Jesus spoke to moneychangers outside the Temple two thousand years ago... to be part of the frenetic preparations for Shabbat dinner in a Jewish marketplace... to silently listen to the testimony of holocaust survivors at Yad Vashem... to worship in a city that is holy to three cultures with irreconcilable, at times explosive differences.... to see our children meet and play with children here in Israel, and share these experiences with our friends from Vancouver who came with us on the tour.... how can I describe it?

We have close to three thousand photos. The ones in today's blog entry are barely representative, as they were taken using my little blackberry. I made extensive journal notes. Once I have reliable Internet access back at home, they will be compiled into our photo album and, the account itself, in this blog, so that you will have a much better idea of what we saw and experienced.
Market in Jerusalem--->
But, sitting here in the lobby of the Dan Panorama Hotel in early hours of our last day here in Jerusalem, I can say, without hesitation, for all of our family members, that this was one of the most remarkable journeys of our life. We're looking forward to coming home and sharing it with you.
We'll be leaving on a 7:30 AM flight tomorrow (Monday) morning, Jerusalem time, arriving back in Vancouver from Heathrow after a six hour lay-over, at 6:35 PM. The ten hour time difference means we arrive home on the same day. Naomi leaves for camp Miriam early on Thursday the 24th for three weeks. She will no doubt be napping on the bus, but she is excited about this! Rebecca leaves for Camp Solomon Schecter the following day. Some of the kids who have been with us here in Israel will be joining here there. They're having quite a summer!
Anyway, I must go now, but will be on the Internet later today. If you have a chance, we'd love to hear family news. With love, Stan
Stan's note, written later: the on-line journal and photo album is now complete. We hope you enjoy it!
Site of the Last Supper in Jerusalem
Synagogue in Sefat
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